Father in the second generation of wealth, wanting to involve his children in the family office, but not sure what his children really want.
His children had little to do with or knowledge of the family wealth and the history behind the wealth creation. He was wary that many businesses fail in the third generation. Families put time into structuring trusts, companies, foundations, and other investment vehicles but they don’t spend the same amount of careful energy and emotional capital on their own children.
With the help of a family coach, we put together a programme that helped the children understand themselves better. If the children do not know their own hopes, fears, prejudices, motivations, what they are willing to sacrifice or lose, they will be unable to get a correct picture of what’s happening in their lives let alone the family at large.
We helped them develop a heightened sense of self-awareness through an honest dialogue about their strengths and weaknesses, values and passions. The children have since come through the programme, more enlightened, more certain of the direction of travel, with some very happily going into the family business and others, for now, wanting to follow another direction.